What should i expect on my first visit?

Beginning therapy can be intimidating, especially if this is a person’s first time. Or maybe you’re well-seasoned in the therapeutic process and hesitate at the thought of “starting over” with someone new. Whatever your past experience with therapy is, I welcome you openly. During your first visit, we will likely review some paperwork and explore what brought you to therapy and what your goals are.

what if i don’t feel like we’re a good fit?

No therapist or wellness journey is a one-size-fits all, despite how persistent healthcare systems attempt to medicalize the process. Connecting with an authentic, safe, and trusting therapeutic relationship is a step that I value tremendously. You will never offend me if we are not a match (at any point in the process) and will be more than happy to help connect you with someone who is.

I’m under 18 yeras old, does that mean you can tell my parents/caregivers what i talk about in session?

Understanding confidentiality is important, especially what it means for younger clients. What is said in session stays in session, unless there is a concern for safety, which I will assess and respond appropriately. I believe that trust and transparency in a therapeutic alliance is critical, and find that when there is a safety concern, having a discussion with folx before taking action has a much more positive impact on the outcome.


A closed group simply means that participants begin and end at the same time. This method helps establish trust and rapport amongst the group, supporting a safe space to practice vulnerability and emotional support.

Why do I need to fill out a bunch of questions before our first appointment?

Paperwork can be a tedious process, especially when we aren’t feeling our best self. These intake questions allow folx alternative ways to provide useful information that will help determine where we begin in the therapeutic process, as well as important histories such as trauma or past treatment. Some folx like to write in detail, while others provided limited information. It should be what feels comfortable to you and we can explore further during our sessions.

can you do youth & family sessions?

Yes, but only if all parties, including the youth are ready. I do not force kids to participate, even if it is court mandated. If a youth is not ready, it means that there is a lot of individual work that needs to be done on both sides before a safe, therapeutic process can begin.


Therapy is an investment in your health and wellbeing, but there are also systemic barriers that are intentionally placed that can prevent access to resources. If you are unable to safely afford my fees, please let me know. I will do my best to come up with a plan that is financially safe for both of us and if not with me, I can help refer you to alternative options.

What is a good faith Estimate?

You may obtain a good faith estimate of my charges upon request prior to scheduling with me.  

The No Surprises Act is a federal law which provides you with the right to a good faith estimate of the cost of services at my practice.  However, Ohio licensing board rules require me to provide you with the actual cost of my charges in a written informed consent form to which you must agree prior to my providing services.  That will be available to you prior to you being seen for services and prior to any billing.  In most cases it is impossible to estimate how many sessions you will need, and that will not be determined until your concerns are evaluated and will also vary based on the progress that you make, which depends in part on your efforts with the process.  You will be free to discontinue services at any time or the services may otherwise be terminated in accordance with the informed consent form language.

Although the No Surprises Law says that you may initiate a dispute process if the actual charges are substantially in excess of the Good Faith Estimated charges, i.e. if you are charged $400 more than the estimated cost for a session or for the total estimate provided, that is unlikely to happen and would be a violation of licensing board rules, since you will be agreeing up front to actual charges per session prior to being seen.  Dispute information is available upon request, however.  Any changes to my fees will require a change in the informed consent form fees, which you must agree to prior to having them go into effect, otherwise the fees will remain in effect for 12 months.